Sunday, April 25, 2010
sorry i've been a bit deliquent
But alas, things here are going well. As of today, I look like an abused woman. I had the great luxury of getting my wisdom teeth removed Thursday. Mom flew in on Tuesday night and we had a little fun before the big day. Since surgery, I have felt quite good actually. With work being so crazy the past week or so, being "off" and sleeping did me some good. I had no nausea and bleeding stopped quickly. Today I have a little more swelling, but pain is not an issue. Thankfully! :) Took mom to airport this AM to head back to the Carolinas. Anyway, everytime I woke up from a nap, Mom then would escort me to a project she had completed in my home, such as reorganizing closets..coming up with grand schemes for the new bedroom. :) I LOVE IT and HER! :) She also flowered my to come!
Well, going back in time, I spent Easter at the Cox family's casa with alot of good friends. We had a great time enjoying good food and fellowship. But definitely missed the Mrs. Cox, as she was in SC caring for her father. But we had a easter egg hunt, complete with real money filled eggs! Apparently, this is a Texas thing..all those years where I thought it was exciting to run around for you run around for money. :) Amazing time! I walked away with $14.10. The ziploc of coins has come in handy. :)
These are a few pics from the Easter gathering. The last photo showcases some of the produce from the co-op I have joined. I have had two pick-ups and I'm enjoying the fresh additions to my menus! Two weeks ago, I got a turnip. I"m like what do I do with a turnip?? I mean, in the South, we eat the greens..:) But anyway, I"m learning to be creative, which I'm sure surprises you.
All in all, this year has been good to me. I was just recently reviewing the things I wanted to do in 2010. And as the 4th month is almost behind us, I have certainly made a hefty effort toward them. Let's review.
1. Fall more in love with my Savior- enjoying life within the community of believers and encouraged by my time in the Word and my new church
2. Pray more, be less self dependent- this is an ongoing part of my santification, likely will be on the list until the day I go home to be with the Lord. :)
3. Eat healthy. Experiment with food.--check check..I love this challenge
4. Buy a Mac- DONE! :)
5. Run a half marathon.-->this might just have to be sufficed by my 60 mile walk in Nov for breast cancer.
6. Finish my second bedroom.--> in the next few weeks, this will be done. :)
7. Start a blog--check. :)
8. Take a painting or sewing class.--> have taken a few classes and really enjoy it!
9. Attend my 10 year high school reunion.--> in a few short weeks, I'll be headed to Chas.
10. Travel to see friends.--> i have been blessed to see friends or family once a month. :)
11. Save more, spend less.--> i saved alot at years beginning and lately have been spending some of my budgeted funds for the house decorating :)
12. Join a church.--> working on this
13. Find community group.--> working on this
14. Get a dog.--> summer is my goal :)
15. Love better than I ever have before.--> i'm working on this too. :) i'm so thankful the Lord has taught me how to love.
16. Ride my road bike. :)---> i love riding at the lake.
Well, in review, I think that this year of 2010 has been good to me. I have been able to accomplish alot of my to dos. Still have more on the list, but that's what makes it fun. :) I am so thankful for such a rich and full life filled with God's mercy, blessings and love.
Until next time,
T :)
Saturday, March 27, 2010
home again, home again, clippity-clop.
I have made commitment to participate in the Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure. I will be walking 60 miles over 3 days in November. Visit to donate to my cause!
Thanks! Love to all! Off to continue to make my house a home and rest my bones after biking 26.2 miles today. :)
I"m thankful for good health! ---T :)
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Enjoying Life
Well, hello all, I know I get frustrated when the blogs I read aren't updated.. :) Oops! The past month has been busy. This past week was a nice week after several weeks of working very hard at the JOB. But this week has been a happy combination of lunch dates with friends, gorgeous weather, pedicure, phone dates, bike rides around the lake, lots of shopping for my house AND the purchase of my new mac. :)
Friday, February 19, 2010
i love..
Well, I"m getting back into the swing. Headed out last week for a conference in Orlando for work. I had the honor of being an attendee of a cardiology conference at a Disney World resort. Thus, I enjoyed lots of learning and some Mickey Mouse. I LOVE Disney World. I mean, really what's not to love. It is such a happy place, there are fast rides, songs/dancing, good food, lots of walking. I think I smiled at all corners of that trip. I LOVE smiling.
I do LOVE my friends. The past several weeks I have had such a sweet time with friends here in Dallas. And I felt great love this past weekend on v-day because when I arrived back from my trip, I had several little love notes and gifts awaiting me. I am thankful for new friends and old friends! Friends are just a sweet reminder of how the Lord provides for us. I LOVE His provision for me.
In other news, I am now beginning to work on the project also known as "my second bedroom". :) I have a see, I LOVE reading design blogs, magazines, etc. I get so inspired, but decorating is not my job, thus I get all of these ideas and can't seem to understand why I can't get them to just *poof* happen. So here is the sad state of the second bedroom...
But never fear, I have inspiration. One of the blogs I follow and can keep straight with on my Google Young House Love.Well, on there, they do design boards and one recently was centered around this large wall art of a map! I had already picked out this map for this very room, so when they gave a great paint colors, curtain design, rug, etc. I was smitten! So I look forward to getting this project going soon. I'm getting a fella to come paint a few rooms of the house, while I"m away visiting the fam in March. So I"m excited. Stay tuned about that..
I LOVE to be inspired, whether it be by my friends, family, my desires to be crafty or creative. I am so thankful that I am so complicated and that you LOVE me. :)
This weekend should be fun- filled with friends, baby showers, wedding dress shopping, babysitting, church, lunch with friends and phone dates. I LOVE weekends.
Sunday, January 31, 2010
Week in Review
I have enjoyed seeking to cultivate community within my bible study and today I visited Northwest Bible Church with a friend. I am seeking to find a church home. I would covet your prayers in this search, as it is very overwhelming and I know it's going to be a process. But I feel as if I'm cheating on people, as I visit different ones. Ha ha! I know that is crazy. But I'm excited about where the Lord has prepared for me and how I can further grow as a believer and seek to be more like Him. I was quite encouraged by my time in worship and in the word this morning. I have been challenged to spend time daily in the word, in prayer and just being quiet before the Lord. I have devoted myself to be open and available to God this year (i got inspired with this concept, as I'm reading Sacred Rhythms: Arranging our Lives for Spiritual Transformation) I highly recommend, if you're looking for something to read. :)
This weekend I have seen several movies. I love movies! When in Rome is a romantic comedy, but it's just bubble gum for your mind. It's cute and predictable, not anything more or less. But I did get to enjoy it with some dinner before with friends and that made it worth it! And tonight I went and saw Up in the Air with George Clooney. Not a romantic comedy, but good. My other super fun thing of the weekend was the painting class at Painting with a was 3 hours with a little painting, a little wine, a lot of laughs and good friends.
So I"m doing the biggest loser on the Wii and it is fun. But today was weigh-in and my little girl was sad b/c the scale didn't say plus or minus, which I guess is a positive thing. Next week starts elimination, so I guess I better work hard, so I don't get eliminated! Ha ha!
Well, here's to working hard to keep physically and mentally fit!
Peace and Joy,
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
That's what friends are for
The picture at the top is Lauren and I at Avatar 3D. I must say..I had a bad attitude about it after being subjected to months of previews that made it out to be very comic-booky and all animated, etc. Well, after the golden globes on Sunday, Lauren and I were intrigued. Thus we went and saw it Monday at 11 am with her sweet husband. was the best movie I've ever seen in my life. Hands down..there is no other movie you've seen like it! You must see it in 3D..the effects are incredible. I loved it! Glad I didn't listen to people's opinions.. :) b/c I almost let certain peoples lack of enthusiasm about it sway me to miss out on it! It was so worth it! :)
Ok I"m making up for lost days, but making this post unbearably long. I am having a great week so far, filled with commited time to prayer, working out, eating well and spending time with friends. I"m so thankful for this week! My bible study starts back tomorrow night and I'm excited about studying Corinthians this semester.
ALSO..I am going to be visiting a new church on Sunday and possibly joining a community group. ALSO..taking a painting class next weekend..STAY TUNED!!
See I"m fighting for those 2010 goals..are you fighting for yours?
Peace and Joy,
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
I love my job...
Ok disclaimer **** i do love all of my patients and treat them equally and fairly..but when I care for you for extended can work your way into my heart as a favorite..
Anyway, well, this precious sister, is a big favorite here..she has been my personal patient, object of my love and affection for 12 months. All of which were primarily in my ICU. She loved me too. :) Really..she would smile, light up when I came in the room. It was a running joke with the family because they were bilingual and I never spoke espanol to I was like..oops! she might not speak spanish. :) and they would laugh! I got to experience her first smile, first laugh. She loved the high pitch baby voice that I have mastered (if you know this know it is so great.. :) :) I spent many a hours reading to her, singing to her, talking to her and my favorite, snuggling her.
Anyway, i'll spare the details, but the Lord called her to be home with Him this afternoon. I am so thankful that I could be there to support her sweet mom and spend some time with her, as her final minutes on this earth passed. What a hard day. Man, I had great plans today of working, eating well, then going to work out after. I have a confession, I didn't go work out. :) I left work at 7pm and headed straight to chick-fil-a to get a quick bite and come home to relax. I figured I deserved that tasty treat. Days like today, make my desires and plans seem meaningless.
I think that days like these just really have a great way of straigthening out my priorities. I am so thankful that the Lord enabled me to love this baby and her family throughout her sweet life here on this earth. When things like this happen, I am all the more reminded to long for heaven. This earth is not my home. I cannot wait to dance around in heaven with my sweet little friend. She will have no more limitations. I cannot wait to see her smiling with our Savior when we are reunited!
So back to the title of my post..I do indeed love my job. I am able to love, be loved, care and to be cared a way that is not possible anywhere else. I am thankful for the highs and lows and so grateful that the Lord is the mighty Physician..and I am simply his hands and feet.
I'm going to go and watch the biggest loser..that always makes me shed a few tears. :) I am thankful for each of you and want you to take this opportunity to love the ones you're with.
Much love to you!
Sunday, January 3, 2010
Oh hello friends!
At this time, the Lord has called me to be farther away from friends and family, thus I think this will be a fun way to share my life with you! I hope I can share stories to make you laugh, inspire, encourage, share my joy and possibly pass along some of my kitchen fun!
The past few days I have been actively reflecting on this past year. 2009 was a big year for me. Just to name a few: finished graduate school, moved to Dallas TX, started my first nurse practitioner job, joined a bible study, made new friends, bought a new house, traveled around the country visiting friends, finished my 3rd half marathon. One of great accomplishment and blessing! I look forward to sharing 2010 with you!
I make a list every new year..never really resolutions. But I do always make a list of things to do. I write them in my planner and always enjoy meeting them throughout the year and then at year's end, celebrating them! Well, for are a few of my things to do for this year...
1. Fall more in love with my Savior
2. Pray more, be less self dependent.
3. Eat healthy. Experiment with food.
4. Buy a Mac (yes, i do make financial goals too. :) )
5. Run a half marathon.
6. Finish my second bedroom. (if you want to visit, you should encourage this one! )
7. Start a blog--check. :)
8. Take a painting or sewing class.
9. Attend my 10 year high school reunion.
10. Travel to see friends.
11. Save more, spend less.
12. Join a church.
13. Find community group.
14. Get a dog.
15. Love better than I ever have before.
16. Ride my road bike. :)
What is on your list of things to do for 2010?
Love and Joy,